Friday, January 8, 2010

Scented Event at the American Museum of Natural History

The American Museum of Natural History will host Adventures in the Global Kitchen: Aromatics Along the Silk Road.

Featuring Perfumer Mandy Aftel

Frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, and jasmine were among the valuable commodities traded along the ancient Silk Road, and they are still prized today. Renowned perfumer Mandy Aftel, the nose behind Aftelier perfumes, will awaken the senses as she leads visitors on an aromatic journey.

Attendees will learn about the fascinating world of fragrances and have the chance to sample authentic and pure essences during a discussion about aromatics’ history. This program is part of a series of tastings and lectures for adults and educational programming for children that are being offered in conjunction with the exhibition Traveling the Silk Road: Ancient Pathway to the Modern World, on view until August 15, 2010.

WHEN Wednesday, January 20, 6:30 pm

WHERE Linder Theater, first floor

Enter at 77th Street


For more information click HERE to visit the website


  1. I enjoy with your blog. I'm learning a lot about perfums.
    Me gustaria poder hacer comentarios más largos ya que de cada entrada que haces aprendo muchas cosas. distinguir aromas, sensaciones y de todo lo que rodea el mundo del perfume.
    Quizás intente algo parecido des de mi blog , los aromas de la vida, pero no he comenzado todavía.
    Sorry, I explain better in spanish.

  2. Dear Rosalia,

    He tomado clases españolas durante años, pero nunca lo uso así soy muchísimo un principiante.

    ¡Usted debería seguir comentando en español y aprenderé traduciendo! ¡Está bien para mí!

    ¡Que tengas un buen aleta de semana!

    xoxo Abigail (aka "Rosalita" in Spanish clases)
