Thursday, June 17, 2010

Soivohle' Geranium Rose Mint

With the name Geranium Rose Mint you might expect something sharp or at least very green with a bit of toothpaste. Not so. I was surprised to find this such a soft scent with hints of geranium, rose and mint. The mint isn’t especially noticable at the start, it begins with a lovely green citrus, rosey geranium leaf, with an abundance of soft, mild, somewhat vanillic musk.

My point of reference for geranium scents are Miller Harris Geranium Bourbon and Frederic Malle Geranium Por Monsieur. Both are much sharper with outgoing personalities. The Miller Harris dries down to a green, refreshing scent while the Malle stays very minty throughout.
Soivohle’ Geranium Rose Mint (SGRM) is an extremely laid back fragrance considering it’s cast of characters. The notes of geranium, rose and mint are definitely discernible but in a lazy Sunday sort of way. None of the notes are fighting for your attention, they just languidly make themselves known, with the mint showing up much later, almost upon dry down. SGRM is fresh overall but a softly subdued and sweet sort of fresh. The base notes of vanilla, amber and musk are strong throughout, lacing the entire composition together and keeping the scent quite gentle, airy and sweeter than anticipated.

I admit that I sampled this fragrance expecting (and wanting) a green zesty little number. But upon wearing it the past few days I’ve decided its quite nice the way it is. Geranium Rose Mint is within Soivohles’ naturals collection, the longevity is decent, sticking around maybe 2-3 hours on me. Sillage is low but it’s still there on the skin for about 3 hours.

For a point of reference, there’s a slight similarity between SGRM and Guerlain Acqua Allegoria Mentafollia. Both in their style, scent, softness and longevity. But they’re still entirely different fragrances worth giving a shot if this type of fragrance appeals to you.

Notes taken from Soivhole website: sweet orange, mint, geranium, roses, marigold, jasmine, with a light vanilla, amber base.


  1. This sounds tempting as I love mint in perfume if it's done right. Thanks for the nice review!

  2. AnonymousJune 18, 2010

    I really like this...Liz first did this in a cologne, which I like even more. It is very different from her other rose scents-- and one of the few roses I can wear. The geranium and mint balance it beautifully.


  3. I really loved this one !

    A great one for bedtime, I thought ;-0

    Agreed- not what one expects; ain't it fun ?

