Friday, July 16, 2010

TWRT 7.16.10

This week's random thoughts ~

I love Prince. Purple Rain was among the first concerts I ever attended as a pre-teen. It was also one of my first R rated movies (along with Flash Dance) both of which I snuck into numerous times. I saw Purple Rain, the concert, with rivers of blue eyeliner and thick blue mascara streaming down my cheeks due to the adolescent hysteria of good seats, proximity to Prince, and my gawd, it was just so thrilling. But I’m thinking Prince must be batty with his latest thoughts on the internet. I mean, I know Prince lives in his own little "Prince World" but I thought he was a savvy business man of some sort.

I’m fixated on all the prairie dog colonies out here in NM. Photos to come. That's my little Girl Greta in the above pic. She'll be 8 this October.

The only TV I’m watching these days is True Blood and Hung. Hung is mostly unsatisfying, I mean, really, I want to SEE IT (oh, c’mon you know exactly what I mean by “it”). True Blood is back to its usual charms. With True Blood I always wish the episodes were 2 hours long, I hate for them to end. And what about that scene with Tara “doing” the vampire a few weeks back. Her eyes were rolling back in her head. I was all “I’ll have what she’s having” a la that scene from When Harry Met Sally.

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” Guess who said this? (Don’t look it up, just guess) I was surprised.

Upcoming perfumes I’m excited about: the new flanker for Hermes Eau des Merveilles called Claire des Merveilles and the new Shalimar with more focus on vanilla. Notice a trend here? I’m making my peace with vanilla. And also the new Etat Libre d’Orange called Sex Pistols. Sid & Nancy was another flick I watched at least a dozen times during high school. High School = the rebellious years, hence the attraction to these idiots, who for the life of me I can’t figure out why they were so interesting. They made only 1 album and their popularity was just a blip before Sid & Nancy’s deaths in their early 20’s. But Gary Oldman sure as heck did a bang up job as Sid.

Tauer’s new Carillon pour un Ange. Hmmm. Not sure I’ll be able to review this one in full. I think it just isn’t my thing. LoTV usually goes all air freshener on me unless it’s vintage Diorissimo, which in fairness is the polar opposite of what Tauer has done with Carillon, so there’s barely a reason to bring it up. Carillon is a dense, strongly green, mulit-facted floral. There’s some LoTV but just hints. I can see this being a love or hate scent. Now Orange Star, on the other hand, is gorgeous and I concur with everything The Non Blonde wrote about it. I’m coming to realize The Non Blonde and I might be scent twins.

Today I’m wearing Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Ylang & Vanille. This is pretty stuff. Pretty, uncomplicated and well done.

Ever notice how nobody ever mentions Mitsouko Fleur de Lotus?

So I had a perfume catastrophe last night. I was pulling out Micallef Hiver in order to wear it and write a review because I love this stuff when the bottle of Micallef Rose Aoud in front of it fell to the floor and smashed. It took me awhile to realize the bottle had smashed because I keep it in its box and I didn’t think much of its tumble; I figured it had managed unscathed. Well, when I saw the pool of perfume (think: crime scene pool of blood puddling around a body, I let out a yelp). Then I got all sulky wondering why I have such bad karma. Now I’m just peeved that half my house reeks of Rose Aoud. The bottle was 98% full and it leaked all over the floor.

I’m also not sure if I can write a review of Serge’s newest Bas de Soie. It’s just ok. Not much to say either positively or negatively. My love for all things Serge is quickly fading. My favorite fragrance from SL is Fleurs d’Oranger (among my top favorite perfumes period) which has now been reformulated. FdO was not massacred but it’s definitely NOT the unbelievably gorgeous and most stunning orange blossom on the market anymore. This reformulation coupled with Eau de Laundry Detergent and several blasé releases (Nuit de Cellophane, etc) have left me disenchanted and wondering if Lutens/Sheldrake have lost steam or perhaps are just doing what the corporate suits tell them to do. Most likely the latter.

Sandwich of the week: a breakfast sandwich. Scrambled egg whites on whole wheat toast with sliced tomato, mild green chilis draped across top and Monterey jack cheese. Cut into 4 triangles for easier eating. You truly can’t avoid the cultural phenomena of green chili in NM.

Have a fragrant weekend everyone!


  1. Marilyn Monroe..its so perfectly accurate, yet airy!!

  2. Tara,
    The quote is so true for me, yet I wouldn't have pegged MM as savvy enough about life to have said it. I must remove my idea of her as a dumb blond, poor thing. :)
    xx A

  3. Hi Abigail! I'm with you on the Prince thing. Internet is passé. I don't think so. At least not yet!

    Greta is adorable!!!! :-)

    I wore Ylang and Vanille when it first came out. Wish I had my bottle so I could smell it again. One of those that ended up Goodwill bound in one of my many moves (never do that again).

    Ohhhhh!!! So sorry about your broken bottle!!!! Can't say I've had that happen to me yet. I can imagine how upsetting it would be! Don't even want to think about it. I hope you're able to replace it. Perhaps we should take up a donation. :-) I don't own a bottle of it (never tried it), or I'd send you a decant!

    Happy fragrant weekend to you, too! Kind of frustrated today cause I put some body lotion sample all over my arms and legs when I got out of the shower this morning, and it has this really strong smell that has prevented me from spraying on any SOTD. Guess my SOTD is Nuxe Tonific 24-HR Nutri-Hydrating Body Lotion. Not happy. But it's definitely moisturizing...

  4. ElizabethNJuly 16, 2010

    Oh god, I am so sorry for your Rose Aoud loss! I just sampled it yesterday and wore it to bed thinking, I.must.have.this.

    I loved Prince, too - what a bad boy to my sweet, innocent teenaged self. (what was the really naughty song - "Nikki" or something? Scandalous!)

  5. Like Elizabeth, I'm mourning your smashed Micallef Rose Aoud! I'm also mentally stalking it, and so far have had to content myself with a teensy little snip of a vial. To think of an entire bottle of Rose Aoud smashing to its death makes me want to take to my bed chamber. Having it stink up the joint doesn't seem like such an ordeal...or is it too much of a good thing?

  6. AnonymousJuly 16, 2010

    I like Prince. He is talented. But he is losing it these days. Or maybe just losing touch with the common man. Also, he wears shirts with a cartoon version of himself printed on them. Hilarious.

    That is a wonderful quote! I'm sorry I cheated and looked up that Marilyn said it.

    I love the picture of your pug! I have a pug named Captain that is incredibly spoiled. I love him so much.

    I'm so sorry about the broken bottle. Every time we have an earthquake here I worry that they'll all come tumbling down and my house will become a stench apocalypse.

    Rose Aoud wasted??????????
    My my my that is a damn shame Abigail :(
    I bet your already sick of smelling it.
    I fell in love with the decant I bought from you, it's pink juice represents it quite well.
    Candied aoudy roses are now a full on obsession for me!
    I can't wait for Tauer's URV but I'm on the fence with LotV as well, who knows maybe I'll love it?
    I know exactly what you mean about True Blood. Ahahaha oh yeah bebe! Her eyes rollin' in the back of her head had me all hot and bothered! Ha. Your so cute! Glad to know I'm not alone.

    I was in the grocery store yesterday and a Prince song came on- "When doves cry" Ohhhh. I'm loving your memory lane description of your concert.

    I read a novel about M.M. by Joyce Carol Oates, it's fiction of course but it was truly depressing and haunted me for a bit. I love to read but struggled to get through it seein' as we all know how it ends..Still J.C.O. is an amazing author, I recommend her novels.

    I have been wearing Acoustic Flower alot lately, it reminds me a bit of Carnal flower but with none of the florist chill, it's brighter, greener and jasmine rich smellin'.
    It suits the warmer days for sure.

    I've been eating nothing but fruit these days, nectarines, peaches and blueberries, strawberries and grapes. It's very nice to remind yourself what actual fruit smells and tastes like.

    Anyways dear, I miss TPP but I'm saving my shiny pennies for Sept. in case I gotta have that URV! ha.
    Lemmings are a real b*%#@!!

    Take care and have a wonderful weekend with your sweet pug in the sun.

    Yours Truly, Tamara Jackson :)

  8. Karin,
    Thanks for the sympathy about Rose Aoud. You shouldn't have "Goodwilled" the Ylang Vanille ~ it's one of the best ylang notes in perfumery. I actually find straight up ylang ylang essential oil fairly nauseating, but I love the AA Y&V.

    Oh, Darling Nikki! One of my favorites circa 1984 (aged 13, much to my parent’s horror). Check out these lyrics (and people say things are getting worse with nonstop sex and bad language, well, how's this for 1984):
    I knew a girl named Nikki
    I guess you could say she was a sex friend
    I met her in a hotel lobby
    masturbating with a magazine
    she said how'd u like 2 waste some time & I could not resist when I saw little Nikki gind

    she took me 2 her castle
    and I just couldn't believe
    my eyes
    she had so many devicees
    everything that money could buy
    she said sign your name on the dotted line the lights went out
    and Nikki started 2 grind

    The castle started spinning
    or maybe it was my brain
    I can't tell you what she did 2 me
    but my body will never be the same
    Her lovin will kick your behind
    she'll show you no mercy
    but she'll sho'nuff sho'nuff sho a
    low 2 grind

    I woke up the next mourning
    Nikki wasn't there
    I looked all over
    all I found was a phone number on the stairs
    it said thank u 4 a funky time
    call me whenever u want
    2 grind

    And please don't forget George Michael's I Want Your Sex ("c-c-c-c-c'mon!)

    Thanks for your sympathies, too. And the truth is I am only just now coming around to Aoud as a note. Rose Aoud was my gateway. The rest smell like bandaids to me! And yet, after smashing an entire bottle of Rose Aoud, my house smelled of rosy bandaids for 36 hours :( definitely too much of a good thing.

    I have two pugs. Greta and her brother Gunther. Show me pics of Captain. Puggies are the best =)

    I love Acoustic Flower. I can see what you mean about the similarities with CF. I find it similar to Amarige albeit in a kinder, gentler more natural way.

    I have JCO’s Blonde on my bookshelf waiting to be read. (I have stacks and stacks waiting to be finished. I usually read 2-3 at a time!)

    Oh, bebe is right. That rollin’ eye scene with Tara and the vamp ((fans self)). Poor Tara, too bad he is turning out to be a bad guy but at least she had one good roll of the eyeballs with him!

    You have a lovely weekend, too, Miss Tamara J.

  9. What a fun post! Sorry about the Rose Aoud, though. I haven't tried this one, but your story (yelp included) prompts me to do so.

    Very cute dog!

  10. I instantly thought Marilyn Monroe too because I thought she'd be the least likely person. I'm just as surprised as you are that she said it.

    Greta is the cutest dog! I have a passion for pugs as well, they're the best dogs ever. Never bark unless they absolutely have to and love, love, love unconditionally.

    Sorry about your spilled perfume. At least it wasn't something you absolutely hated seeing that you'll be living with that scent for a while . . .

  11. Puggies really are the best! Captain Bosco Smushface is 3 years old now and makes me laugh every single day. Here are a couple of pictures of him:


  12. Abigail--funny, I just bought a bottle of M. Micallef Hiver this week. I absolutely love it.

    Terrible about RO. Right now, the M. Micallef line is 50% off, including your beloved Rose Oud, at Berlin's Lafayette Department store.

  13. Had to look it up...I was surprised.

    Nobody mentions Mitsy Fleur de Lotus, I think, because if one speaks of it, others may think that they have some, and want in!

    Bas de Soie, to me, starts off a bit like L'Heure Exquise, and then some odd note takes over, and catches in the back of my throat. Cannot wear this.

  14. Well, if Carillon Pour Une Ange is the opposite of Diorissimo, then I think it is for me... I have tried, and tried to wear Diorissimo -- all those raves, and LotV is a personal, very intimate, favourite... It has always been too strong and too bracing, just far too aggressive. The only time Diorissimo smelled right to me was one blustery spring day when I went to the park, and the wind blew through my hair, and it felt like I had a perfume strong enough to stand up to the weather...

    So, in short, totally looking forward to is...

    As for t.v., totally about Friday Night Lights... have greedily gobbled up the first 3 seasons, and now am aching for the dvd release of the 4th and spoilers of the 5th... Taylor Kitsch, now he definitely strikes me as a Tauer Lonestar Memories kind of guy... mmm, can't (don't want to) shake that image... think I'll just enjoy that daydream for a minute here...

  15. Monika,

    OMG!!! You're hooked on FNL!! Isn't it THE BEST? I never (ever ever) would have thought a show about High School football would rock my world, but it does. I don't even understand football or watch it in real life.

    Taylor K. -- oh dear -- he's a beautiful creature.

    xx =) A
