Thursday, October 6, 2011

TWRT 10.7.11

This Week’s Random Thoughts~

I am a total loser because I’m really excited about all the new fall shows and, of course, the returning shows I love.

Fragrance, this week, was all about Canturi and Alahine.  The weather is now becoming “fall like” but fall in The South is a totally new experience.  Daytime temps under 80 and nighttime temps in the 60s are what makes a nice autumn day here.  It’s quite nice actually but takes some getting used to.  

Honeycrisp apples are out of this world delicious.

Congratulations to Brian and Andy Tauer for the launch of Miriam at Lucky Scent this week!

I’ve started tweeting.  It’s only been a few weeks but I think so far I like Twitter more than Facebook (FB, truth be told, I really can’t stand).  I’m @AbigailLevin on Twitter.  I don’t tweet anything particularly insightful…I just check in a few times per day to see what the world is up to.

I am obsessed with Downton Abbey.  

For 3 days I thought I adored Cartier Baiser Vole.  Then, on the fourth day I had the Octavian experience, where the scent just falls apart after two hours and becomes a musky clean hygiene product.  The day it fell apart really bummed me out, because I had been enjoying it so much.  It might have something to do with wearing it on clothing/fabric as opposed to skin.  At first I was only wearing it on skin and it was wondrous but very short lived.  I switched to spraying it on my clothing because it lasts much longer that way.  But…alas…on fabric it breaks down into a really generic synthetic musk.  The lily fragrance, either way, is still beautiful for the first hour.

Food item of the week:  Deviled Eggs.  Tabasco sauce, pepper and garlic salt are key.

I am forcing myself to not feel shame over this, but I love Estee Lauder Sensuous Nude.  I know both Brian and I have said you can’t have too few skin scents.  I still feel this way.  But if I’m going to have at least one skin scent let it be Estee Lauder Sensuous Nude.  I’m in love with this stuff.  Sensuous Nude is a slightly powdery, musky, softly fruity scent with a touch of Bronze Goddess and a hint of salt.  I like Nude better than original Sensuous and Sensuous Noir.

I cannot wait to receive Love, Chloe Eau Intense.  I’m also optimistically awaiting Tom Ford Violet Blonde.  I have sampled Violet Blonde and it might be a good violet for me.  I am always looking for The One violet that’s just perfect.  I do enjoy Annick Goutal La Violette (love it, but it’s usually a bit too subtle) and I also love Guerlain Insolence edp (but this can be a bit too much) so I’m hoping that the Tom Ford will be just right.

I saw the movie 50/50 last weekend and it was surprisingly good.  I like Joseph Gordon-Levitt (especially enjoyed him in Hesher) but I don’t usually like Seth Rogen.  

Oh, and I saw Drive a few weeks back and feel like the only person who hated it.  I thought it was incredibly boring.  Yes, Ryan Gosling is easy on the eyes, but that doesn’t get me through an entire movie when what I would have preferred do was pull out a pen and write a to do list instead of watch it.

October always makes me miss Boston.


  1. What a fun blog post you've written! It's like reading someone's journal, and I confess, I love reading [published] journals. Although I always feel guilty, wondering if the author would have dared written his or her thoughts down if they knew someone would publish them later!

    You are alive and sharing, though, so I get to enjoy your post and not feel ashamed.

    This is the second time you've told us about your love for Honeycrisp apples. I saw this earlier on Twitter! I've never heard of them.

    And I have to try deviled eggs with Tabasco sauce! Of course! I always sprinkle Tabasco on my breakfast eggs; it never occurred to me to do so on deviled eggs.

    That's too bad about the breakdown of the Cartier on clothing. It makes sense, though, since chemistry is involved in the stages of a fragrance's evolution. I'm interested now in how Formulae Alpha would respond. I'll try that tomorrow.

    Boston? Are you from New England?

  2. I couldn't stand Drive either!! I was afraid to tell anyone.
    I love fall tv too, even if that makes me a dork.

    I will have to try Sensuous Nude asap.

    Thanks for the posts, I'm an avid reader.

  3. Honeycrisp apples are the best lately. I just ate one! Galas used to be this good about 10 years ago, but they screwed them up somehow. I hope they don't screw up honeycrisps.

  4. I enjoy Sensuous Nude as well. If there is a skin scent 12-step rehab program I should probably join it. I don't own that many, but I certainly reach for the ones I own often. And Downton Abbey = ++!

  5. ooh- I LOVE Downton Abbey too..:) (and I want to watch 50/50). Perfumewise- I am super excited to try Miriam. I absolutely love the concept. Loved the 'Rose' clip too. And ofcourse, Love Andy's work!
