Thursday, December 15, 2011

TWRT 12.16.11

This Week's Random Thoughts ~

Note to perfume companies: I have an idea. Let’s not use the word chypre anymore since this category no longer exists. 

I have been wearing Kate Walsh Boyfriend off and on all week.  I like it.  But I desperately want to tweak it!  I want to amplify the patchouli-woods-chocolate to make it less of a vanilla fragrance.  It smells good, don’t get me wrong, but I just want to make it more than vanilla (which always makes me hungry).

So, after wearing Boyfriend, I went into an all-out frenzy over patchouli-vanilla-chocolate fragrances.  In the end, I realized I swoon every time for Serge Lutens Borneo 1834.  Chanel Coromandel does it for me, too, but Borneo is even more decadent.  What are your favorite sweet patchouli bombs (patch-vanilla-chocolate especially)? 

Just about the only thing I buy from Bath & Body Works are candles.  And I simply cannot wait for their Holiday sale every year when I buy their huge 14.5 oz candles for just $10!  Today I ordered so many candles, online no less (no schlepping heavy candles around the mall) with free shipping (DecShip50)!  How cool is this sale?

Almost everyone on American Horror Story is now a ghost.

I forced myself to finish We Need to Talk About Kevin because I enjoy Tilda Swinton but this was up there with Drive as one of the slowest, most draining movies I've ever seen.   And, no, I have not seen Tree of Life or Melancholia or Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene and at this point I’ll need some strong convincing to bother.  I thought We Need to Talk About Kevin would be fascinating, it’s about a woman destroyed by raising a child who is a sociopath.  Sadly, the film is incoherent and dreadfully slow.

I highly recommend The Sister’s Brothers by Patrick DeWitt.  The writing and characters are among the most memorable I’ve read all year. 

My book club’s assignment for February is 11/22/63 byStephen King.  This is going to be the book that breaks me and causes me to buy a Kindle!  It’s so heavy and huge (only in hardcover right now) and I’m now in the market for a Kindle so I don’t have to “heft” that book around.

I learned how to perfectly poach an egg this week and it’s my new favorite thing.  I don’t use any device just gently pour the egg into almost boiling water.   I dislike “runny” egg yolk, which I realize is perhaps the whole point of poached eggs, but nevertheless I cook mine an extra 2 minutes making sure the yolk is soft but not oozing (gags).  A poached egg on whole wheat toast with salt, pepper and paprika can be one of the most delectably simple meals.

Top perfumes for me this week: (in addition to above mentioned stuff) Love, Chloe Eau Intense, DSH Mahjoun, Sonoma Scent Studio Tabac Aurea, M. Micallef Gaiac and original Prada.

I haven’t seen The Muppet Movie yet but I want to.  I'll see The Muppet's along with Hugo and Tin Tin next week during family time (aka 'escape from family' time).


  1. Abigail, I had the exactly the same thought about Stephen King's tome of a book. Good grief, how would I ever lug this thing on the train! But can you "bury your nose" in a Kindle? Plus I enjoy the smell of the pages, those edges that are scalloped and the feel of the paper.

    That being said, Kindle is still on my Christmas list. :)

    Oh, and I will check out the Sister Brothers, although a Western is not something I would normally read. (One of my favorite books about brothers is Bruce Chatwin's "On the Black Hill".)

    Thanks for the random thoughts!

  2. Hi Taffy,

    I have held out this long without a Kindle because I love the smell and texture of books. I like to look at the covers and read the back. But I will get a Kindle soon so we shall see if this little grey piece of plastic somehow converts me to it's supposed wonders!

    I don't like Westerns either. The Sisters Brothers is unusual and I would think one could like it without particularly enjoying the western genre. I just looked up "On the Black Hill" and it looks good. thanks for the rec, maybe it will be one of my first Kindle downloads :)

  3. I almost bought sister brothers a few months back. I read somewhere that it's really good. Where did you hear about it?

    Where will American horror story go now? I thought the reveal about the daughter's death was pretty brilliant, though sometimes the glaring inconsistencies threaten to take me out of the series. Like the fact that the daughter couldn't leave the house with her father whereas the ex girlfriend drove all the way to jail. Maybe that was Halloween and allowed all the spirits to roam? I give up working it all out sometimes but it's really come together in interesting ways.

    Love the Cartier heure patchouli/coco thing. Can't remember the name. I've ended up preferring it to Borneo.

  4. For sweet choco-patchouli bombs I still love L de LL and various Angel/A*Men varietals the most.

    Re: We Need to Talk About Kevin, that is really a shame because the book is pretty amazing.

    My favorite way to poach eggs is in tomato sauce. Google "eggs in purgatory" for a recipe, but you hardly need one.

    P.S. Your package is in the mail!

  5. "Like the fact that the daughter couldn't leave the house with her father whereas the ex girlfriend drove all the way to jail." I think it is iteresting too. Best regards from Dicas de Maquiagens.

  6. Hey B,
    The inconsistencies in AMS do verge on ruining the whole show. I totally agree with you, I love how it was revealed that Violet was actually dead, it was a shocker. But with two non-ghosts left where will the show go from here? Dylan McD's character is weak and annoying so I hope they introduce other alive characters.

    Oy, I've managed to avoid those Cartier's because they're ultra expensive and I've known all along there would come a point when I'd have to get one or two!

    The Sisters Brothers was a book club pick which I hadn't heard of and ended up enjoying immensely. The writing is easy and sparse but it builds to a a memorable story and characters.

    I still haven't tried L de L - and now that I think about it isn't Missoni a choco thing?

    I am so behind, I just mailed yours yesterday!!

  7. Oh shoot! I should have sent you a sample of that instead of the LL for men.

    Missoni does have a choco note -- unfortunately it smells like Tootsie Rolls.

  8. Poached eggs rock. I use those little floatie-things in boiling water. Cover the pan for a couple of minutes, and the yolk is perfect, not solid, not runny. Mmmmmm.

  9. Borneo, all the way. And this time of year is perfect for it.
