It’s July, therefore it’s steamy hot in Jersey, so I’m loving Roger & Gallet’s Lettuce soap, as well as their Tilleul shower cream and body lotion. I adore Miller Harris Geranium Bourbon and Annick Goutal’s Folavril which both smell like the most refreshingly joyous tomato plants and geranium leaves. If you had a vegetable garden growing up or have one now and love the scent of tomato plants, you really must try both of these fragrances. I also have a gigantic vat of Marc Jacobs Cucumber body splash, which is a nice scent, but needs to be applied about six times per day, which isn’t something I usually get around to doing.
I think most hardcore perfume aficionados might balk at these vegetal scents and not consider them “real” perfume. In a way, I understand that, because I wear these scents during the hottest days when I can’t bear to wear a true perfume. Nevertheless, I love me some lettuce…and tomato….and cucumber…when the thermostat
Oh, and don't even get me started on this brand I just found at Williams Sonoma called Cucina. They have a hand wash and lotion that smells like zucchini flower...
I love the smell of tomato leaves (and tomatoes) and I can understand the need to freshen up with a vegetable smell - I think it beacuse I associate vegetables with refreshing food - so something refreshing in the summer for my stomach and for my nose. :)
I never would have thought of Geranium Bourbon smelling like tomato. i will have to sniff it when I get home!
My favourite tomatoey summer scent is Sisley Eau de Campagne. I also like a Victoria's Secret cucumber-smelling cologne called Tranquil Breezes. (I'm not sure they make that any more). I've tried a few other cucumber scents, but apart from Marc Jacobs (you're right, too much reapplication needed with that one), they are disappointing.
Tania, does Campagne last? I've heard it's so short lived, and yet when I smell it in the store I love it.
not terribly long-lasting, no - it's top-note-heavy. On me it's gone after maybe two hours, but of course it could be different for you.
I find the top so refreshing I don't mind respritzing during the day.
I hate to be an enabler, but...
...I know of the Cucina line you speak of, I think you might want to check out a line of hand soap (liquid pump) from Yves Rocher. I'm about to use the last of a bottle that smell just like sweet (red bell) pepper...about to start the bottle of tomato-basis...mmmm...
Not sure if I'd enjoy perfume with these notes, per say, but it is a lot of fun--if a bit disorienting, sometimes :) --to wash my hands with them. In the kitchen.
Isn't it a wonderful smell? Along with all the garden herbs - basil, thyme, sage, etc... (ahhhh)
I have Sisley's Campagne - I should have included it in this post. It's like tomato plant fireworks.
Gee, thanks for enabling. I'm helpless to tracking down a bottle of YR now...
Linden is one of my favourite all-time scents, and why I wear La Chasse aux Papillions.
I also love the scent of tomato -- have you tried Memory of Kindness? I am aching to get it.
Funny though, in the heat I have not been turning to light refreshing scents, but heavier ones (for me, anyway) -- Tauer's Incense Rosé for example, and Maroc pour Elle. Most unlike me.
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