This Week's Random Thoughts
I love Acqua di Parfum Profumo, a review is coming next week.
Why on earth did Pam quit Dunder Mifflin and join the Michael Scott Paper Company? The funniest line: when Ryan was on his cell phone and said …”Pam would be a 6 in the city but probably a 7 out here.”
I’m very much looking forward to Chanel Cristalle Eau Verte and Guerlain Mitsouko Fleur de Lotus. To the Mitsouko purists reading this – please accept my sincerest apologies. I understand that the idea of a Mitsouko flanker causes your brain to explode after which you stare at the wall wondering what this world is coming to…but, but, I’m looking forward to this one. Early reports are good – it’s being said that Fleur de Lotus stays true to the original Mitsouko.
Is Adam the shoe-in on American Idol? The thing I’m beginning to like about Adam is that he’s just so hard to define – to label – to categorize. Adam seems to be his own brand of unique. I do have a soft spot for the rocker chick, Allison. Lil Rounds is just not getting the “artistry” thing that Kara keeps talking about.
Last week I wore Sonoma Scent Studio Ambre Noir to the office and received not one, not two but three genuine compliments from colleagues – all separate compliments, in the span of a day. These are not perfumistas but ordinary colleagues. All three wanted to know exactly what it was and where to buy it. This was the highest praise and interest in any perfume I’ve ever worn in my life.
While wearing Chanel No. 22 this week someone asked if I was wearing White Linen...
I TIVO’ed the new Amy Poehler sitcom and will watch it this weekend.
This will likely reoccur: Victoire Gobin Daude – where are you? Will you please make perfume again? A lovely person sent me a sample of Jardins Ottomans and after smelling this and Seve Exquise and Sous Le Buis I think it’s a cryin’ shame that your aren’t sharing your beautiful creations with us.
A part of me wishes she could go back in time and watch Magnum PI reruns after school.
I recently signed up for automatic monthly donations to RAINN (Rape Abuse Incest National Network) and ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). Automatic monthly donations are a beautiful thing. You also receive a year end statement.
Happy Passover and Happy Easter everyone!
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