Quote of the week: "I'm tired of trying to find happiness through lies and self-medicating. If you need me, I'll be at the bar." -- Lindsay Funke from Arrested Development
Normally I purchase unscented laundry detergent because I dislike the scents of liquid detergents. But lo and behold I’ve found a detergent whose fragrance I love! It’s Tide with baking soda and the scent is white lilac. I bought it by mistake. A great mistake.
Serge Lutens Fleurs de Citronnier is pretty much universally panned. In the Guide, LT calls it“unfinished cologne.” I wore it this week and I think it’s nice. I do realize that I recently complained that Nuit de Cellophane is too pedestrian for Lutens (beautiful yet boring). And Fleur de Citronnier is the same, it’s beautiful yet boring. But I feel compelled to point out that it’s beautiful – a lovely combination of neroli and citrus. I do have a thing for neroli.
I’ve been looking for the perfect eye cream for ages. I’ve tried everything – from high end to inexpensive drug store brands to organic and “everything” free. I’ve never found an eye cream that doesn’t irritate my eyes - ever. I had almost given up until I placed a perfume order with Bergdorf Goodman. They sent me a free gift set of Guerlain Orchidee Imperiale moisturizers. The Guerlain Orchidee Imperiale eye cream is fantastic – and it doesn’t irritate my eyes in the least. I used up the entire sample. Every last drop. I squeezed that little tube like you roll up toothpaste. Then I called Bergdorf to place an order for the eye cream. Why was I not surprised to find that a half ounce jar of this stuff costs $185?!? ((big sigh)) I ordered it anyway. At my age, I figure eye cream is a good investment.
SaraD recently went crazy for Teo Cabanel Alahine. In the process of describing her take on it she mentioned that she finds it similar to Parfum d’Empire’s Ambre Russe. I dug out my sample and she is right. I still much prefer Alahine but Ambre Russie bears a strong similarity.
At the risk of seeming self absorbed (aren’t we all a bit?) I thought I would mention that my Mom arrives today. I have the weekend planned down to 15 minute intervals (exaggerating a little). I hope the weather is nice because I’m looking forward to a visit to The Grounds For Sculpture and Rat’s restaurant (Hamilton, NJ).
Alert for amber lovers: Annick Goutal’s Ambre Fetiche is wonderful. It reminds me of Sonoma Scent Studio’s Ambre Noir. Just gorgeous. And the longevity is excellent.
Update on Susan, my new perfume project at the office: So far I’ve given her about a dozen good sized samples. She likes CK Obsession, so we identified that her favorite note is amber. So far she really loves becker eshaya golden amber. Golden Amber is a nice fragrance that’s hardly ever mentioned. To me, it’s the D&G Light Blue of ambery scents. It’s so likeable and wearable. The other winner is Montale’s Blue Amber. Her one dislike is Serge Lutens Arabie, which, I admit, was a bad choice on my part, perhaps too challenging for a newbie, and not enough straight up amber. It was so much fun for me to smell these fragrances on someone else. I can’t tell you how dreary it can get being the only perfumista I know in real life.
Oh, one more thing about Susan: her partner is all about mimosa, so I’m putting together a mimosa sampler pack for her, too. I have the following – do you have any other suggestions for a mimosa lover? [Amarige Harvest Edition 2007, PdN Mimosaique, L’Artisan Mimosa Pour Moi….would you put FM Une Fleur de Cassie in the mimosa category? What about Caron Farnesiana? Others?]
Big Love. I’m speechless. Suffice it to say that I’m awfully upset that this Sunday is the finale. How long must we wait for the next season?
Today is the first day of spring. Have a fragrant weekend everyone!
I have to say that I think Annie Pliska is a nicer amber than the Goutal .
I have just finished a bottle of Mimosia by Nicolai and its a lovely sweet wattle fragrance. maybe try that one?
Ambre Fetiche is my favorite AG.
How about, Givenchy ~ Amarige Mimosa Recolte Harvest? I'm not sure if you can get a full bottle. I have a decant sitting in my shopping cart at TPC. Sounds intriguing
I hear you -- I'd give anything to have a real-life perfumista as a friend. I have one promising candidate,though. She asked her DH for a FB of "L'air du desert marocain" for Christmas and got it, so she trails it in clouds now.
Caron's "Farenesia" definitely heavy mimosa. And the Fleur de Cassie too. I'm not sure why, but mimosa is making me ill lately. Let me know if you'd like my sample of the Caron.
Hey, I have been an amber fan myself...there are some who go for the Yves Rocher Voile d'Ambre ... perhaps your budding friend would like to try an easier on the pocketbook variation? :)
Can't help with mimosa at this point in my explorations...though I do know that Champs-Elysses is rather easy to come by (and much reviled by Turin/Sanchez).
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