This week’s random thoughts
I’m enjoying the American Idol finalists this year. I was shocked that Alex (blond girl with pink streak) was voted off last week. I’m still warming up to Adam, who I maintain looks like Elvis. I suppose my favorite right now is Danny Gokey. I love the spunky Allison (girl with crazy red hair) and Lil Rounds (who Simon thinks is “Little”) and also Kris (the kid with guitar). My all-time favorite will always be Bo Bice, though. *sigh* I wish his career would have gone somewhere...
I don’t care about this Octo-Mom. Enough. I do hope nice people are able to adopt the children, though. (yes, I think the kids need to be taken away, she can’t care for that many children; she couldn’t afford the first 6 or however many there were before the recent 8).
The daffodils and crocus are in full bloom. Spring has sprung in my neighborhood.
I’ve grieving over the fact that Big Love and Flight of the Conchords are finished for the season. What will I watch now?
I’ve worn Chanel 28 La Pausa on and off for the past week. At first, I thought I had found my favorite iris. I knew it was sheer and fleeting but I have a big jug of it so I apply it lavishly. The more I’ve worn it the more obvious it has become that it’s beyond fleeting. I think I applied 30 sprays on Wednesday. I’m not kidding. And I couldn’t smell a thing 20 minutes later. The other Les Exclusifs aren’t this bad. Sheesh.
After nearly poisoning myself with 28 La Pausa I wore Hermes Hiris. Ahhh. Now that’s better. It’s been years since I sniffed Hiris, but it now seems like a powerhouse in comparison with 28 La Pausa and its really nice. More floral than I remembered. Nice.
On its way to me is Sonoma Scent Studio’s new Tabac Aurea. Yay! It will be available for sampling/decanting. Laurie is still finishing Gardenia Musk – hopefully in time for summer.
Also on its way to me is Prada’s Infusion de Fleur d’Oranger. I’ve been looking forward to this one.
Susan, my perfume-project at the office, has so far liked Diptyque’s L’eau Trois the very best. This isn’t even amber but myrrh – a beautiful myrrh, incense, herbal scent. She adores it so I am happy. It’s been wonderful smelling someone wearing great ‘fumes (besides me!). I was surprised that I liked Estee Lauder’s Amber Ylang Ylang so much on her. I was utterly bored by it on me, but on her it was quite nice.
It’s about that time of year when I switch gears and start wearing light, sheer, summery florals, fruity-florals and citrus scents (yes, there are good fruity florals! :-). I will enjoy this for a bit but then I’ll start complaining about how much I miss my autumn/winter fragrances. At heart I’m an oriental/chypre person – I love woods, spices and heavy florals. For now it’s fun to pull out all the summery stuff but I worry it’s too early. I don’t want to tire of them before July when the Jersey weather really hits it’s hazy, humid stride. I don’t switch with the seasons because it’s a rule or something – I do it because I truly can’t wear heavy scents in hot weather – I get headaches...
Have a fragrant weekend everyone!
It's Spring here, too, but it's still cold. So I've been hanging on to my 'heavies' (today I'm wearing Youth Dew Amber Nude. Yummy).
But I'm off to LA for a week on Wednesday, and I guess I'll need to lighten up a bit! I'm thinking Visa, with a side order of Pamplelune. Though no doubt Bulgari Black will sneak into my bag...
Hey Tania,
I forgot to tell you to have a fabulous trip to LA!
Let me guess...you'll visit Luckyscent??! OH, and so many other good boutiques.
Enjoy :-D
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