Sunday, November 15, 2009

Travalo Atomizer: Free Giveaway!

I received this refillable atomizer and gave it a test run myself.

It's a nitfy little thing. Perfect for us Scent Junkies.

The exterior isn't glass, it's tough aluminum, therefore virtually unbreakable under normal conditions. Travalos are incredibly easy to fill - you don't need funnels or pipettes or excellent eye hand coordination and you won't waste a drop of your precious perfume. The size is perfect for pocket or purse, airplane or gym bag. And they come in three colors, gold, silver and pink.

I received mine from - this link will take you there and show you how to use a Travalo atomizer along with some images.

I would purchase a ton of them but they are £9.99 (approx. $16 US). They do seem well made and worth it to me, for a few of my favorite fragrances. They are refillable and will last for years.

FREE GIVEAWAY - one lucky reader will receive a set of three Travalos - in gold, silver and pink. The drawing is open to readers who have commented at least once before. Drawing closes on Wednesday November 18th. Good luck!

Above photo courtesy of: Valentine Zavgorodnev


Anonymous said...

These look very neat and futuristic.
And for a couple of favorite fumes, worth the price. Please enter me in a drawing! Thanks for giving us all a chance.

Sue said...

Very cool concept! Thanks for the drawing!

ScentScelf said...

Coolamundo! Toss my name in the hat...and thanks. :)

Sharon Day said...

Oh boy! I could really use those. I just ran out of all my perfumes and am in a strange place trying to add new ones for a "new" me.

myrakes said...

These are adorable. What a cute packaging idea. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I could certainly use some of those. Thanks for putting my name in the draw!

Karen G.

Ines said...

They really do look practical.
I'd like to enter of course. :)

Anonymous said...

Having *just* qualified, I'd love to enter! (Such a moocher, ain't I? lol)
Have you ever happened to see the accompanying video ad? Unintentionally hilarious.

Mals86 said...

Oooooh. Please throw my name in, too! And thanks vm.

Side note: Alahine is flat gawgeous. Thought I wouldn't like it, but I wuz wrong. See, it's that faint, faint hint of Opium way down deep in the base. Me and Opium, we go back a long time with the hating each other, but I have this feeling that Alahine might teach me the love...

kathleen said...

Please enter me in the drawing, Abigail.

Marko said...

Abigail -

Please enter me in the drawing - thanks.


Lauren said...

Yes, I can see them in my purse, suitcase, and tote bag. Please enter me enter the drawing.

Thank you!

pyramus said...

It is a very clever design: filling an atomizer from a spray bottle in exactly the way you fill a lighter, so you don't waste anything (because we all know that when you try to fill a regular atomizer with a funnel and a spray bottle, it goes EVERYWHERE).

They seem kind of expensive, though; something like $20 (with shipping and the exchange rate) for an atomizer? Well, maybe if I got a free one to try it would change my mind.

Margot said...

These are so clever and functional!
A big improvement over having samples rolling around (and leaking) in the car glove box or a leather bag.
I usually keep samples of my favorites with me for spritzing through the day, but the Travalos makes much more sense.
Thanks for the chance to win these, Abigail!

Roberto C. said...

WOW! They look really easy to use, please enter me in the draw.
Many Thanks.

Abigail said...

Yes, I've seen the video ad and thought it was a riot, too. I almost included it in this post but thought most everyone had seen it by now.

so glad to hear you love Alahine. Alahine is pure Holy Grail for me. I'm currently bathing in the parfum extrait concentration... which we just got in stock at The Posh P. I like Opium but it's just for a once in awhile wearing (like 2x per year). Alahine is smoother and while retro it strikes me as much less old fashioned than Opium. There is something about Opium that is very dated to my nose. Even after writing this I do like Opium - but it's mostly from a historical perspective and at a distance. I can still wear Coco though. Coco and I are friends. But me and Alahine are BFs 4-eva! :-)

DWR said...

What a great item! Please enter me in the draw. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am pretty sure in as long as I've been reading that I have commented before. I'd love to be in on the draw, those look great! I have a 14 y/o budding perfumista, and I can say for sure that at least one would be claimed for decants from mom's bottles...

KathyT said...

Please enter me into the drawing. I haven't had a lot of luck with travel atomizers, but these look promising.


dk said...

I'd love these!

ahsumaker said...

I would love to be entered for a chance to win these.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me as well! Thanks, Abigail.
Laura M

Violaine said...

Uhmmm one for each purse ...
Please add my name to the draw :)
Cheers ! Violaine

Tania said...

Oh, how cute are those?!?

Yes please, enter me in the drwa. Thanks!

Tania said...

um I mean the DRAW.... ;-) Apparently they are so cute they took away my typing skilz!